import sitemap from '@astrojs/sitemap'; import svelte from "@astrojs/svelte" import tailwind from "@astrojs/tailwind" import swup from '@swup/astro'; import Compress from "astro-compress" import icon from "astro-icon" import { defineConfig } from "astro/config" import Color from "" import rehypeAutolinkHeadings from "rehype-autolink-headings" import rehypeComponents from "rehype-components"; /* Render the custom directive content */ import rehypeKatex from "rehype-katex" import rehypeSlug from "rehype-slug" import remarkDirective from "remark-directive" /* Handle directives */ import remarkGithubAdmonitionsToDirectives from "remark-github-admonitions-to-directives"; import remarkMath from "remark-math" import { AdmonitionComponent } from "./src/plugins/rehype-component-admonition.mjs" import { GithubCardComponent } from "./src/plugins/rehype-component-github-card.mjs" import {parseDirectiveNode} from "./src/plugins/remark-directive-rehype.js"; import { remarkReadingTime } from "./src/plugins/remark-reading-time.mjs" import {remarkExcerpt} from "./src/plugins/remark-excerpt.js"; const oklchToHex = (str) => { const DEFAULT_HUE = 250 const regex = /-?\d+(\.\d+)?/g const matches = str.string.match(regex) const lch = [matches[0], matches[1], DEFAULT_HUE] return new Color("oklch", lch).to("srgb").toString({ format: "hex", }) } // export default defineConfig({ site: "", base: "/", trailingSlash: "always", integrations: [ tailwind(), swup({ theme: false, animationClass: 'transition-swup-', // see // the default value `transition-` cause transition delay // when the Tailwind class `transition-all` is used containers: ['main', '#toc'], smoothScrolling: true, cache: true, preload: true, accessibility: true, updateHead: true, updateBodyClass: false, globalInstance: true, }), icon({ include: { "material-symbols": ["*"], "fa6-brands": ["*"], "fa6-regular": ["*"], "fa6-solid": ["*"], }, }), svelte(), sitemap(), Compress({ CSS: false, Image: false, Action: { Passed: async () => true, // }, }), ], markdown: { remarkPlugins: [remarkMath, remarkReadingTime, remarkExcerpt, remarkGithubAdmonitionsToDirectives, remarkDirective, parseDirectiveNode], rehypePlugins: [ rehypeKatex, rehypeSlug, [rehypeComponents, { components: { github: GithubCardComponent, note: (x, y) => AdmonitionComponent(x, y, "note"), tip: (x, y) => AdmonitionComponent(x, y, "tip"), important: (x, y) => AdmonitionComponent(x, y, "important"), caution: (x, y) => AdmonitionComponent(x, y, "caution"), warning: (x, y) => AdmonitionComponent(x, y, "warning"), }, }], [ rehypeAutolinkHeadings, { behavior: "append", properties: { className: ["anchor"], }, content: { type: "element", tagName: "span", properties: { className: ["anchor-icon"], 'data-pagefind-ignore': true, }, children: [ { type: "text", value: "#", }, ], }, }, ], ], }, vite: { build: { rollupOptions: { onwarn(warning, warn) { // temporarily suppress this warning if (warning.message.includes("is dynamically imported by") && warning.message.includes("but also statically imported by")) { return; } warn(warning); } } }, css: { preprocessorOptions: { stylus: { define: { oklchToHex: oklchToHex, }, }, }, }, }, })