import type { LicenseConfig, NavBarConfig, ProfileConfig, SiteConfig, } from './types/config' import { LinkPreset } from './types/config' export const siteConfig: SiteConfig = { title: 'Fuwari', subtitle: 'Demo Site', lang: 'en', // 'en', 'zh_CN', 'zh_TW', 'ja' themeColor: { hue: 250, // Default hue for the theme color, from 0 to 360. e.g. red: 0, teal: 200, cyan: 250, pink: 345 fixed: false, // Hide the theme color picker for visitors }, banner: { enable: false, src: 'assets/images/demo-banner.png', // Relative to the /src directory. Relative to the /public directory if it starts with '/' position: 'center', // Equivalent to object-position, defaults center }, favicon: [ // Leave this array empty to use the default favicon // { // src: '/favicon/icon.png', // Path of the favicon, relative to the /public directory // theme: 'light', // (Optional) Either 'light' or 'dark', set only if you have different favicons for light and dark mode // sizes: '32x32', // (Optional) Size of the favicon, set only if you have favicons of different sizes // } ] } export const navBarConfig: NavBarConfig = { links: [ LinkPreset.Home, LinkPreset.Archive, LinkPreset.About, { name: 'GitHub', url: '', // Internal links should not include the base path, as it is automatically added external: true, // Show an external link icon and will open in a new tab }, ], } export const profileConfig: ProfileConfig = { avatar: 'assets/images/demo-avatar.png', // Relative to the /src directory. Relative to the /public directory if it starts with '/' name: 'Lorem Ipsum', bio: 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.', links: [ { name: 'Twitter', icon: 'fa6-brands:twitter', // Visit for icon codes // You will need to install the corresponding icon set if it's not already included // `pnpm add @iconify-json/` url: '', }, { name: 'Steam', icon: 'fa6-brands:steam', url: '', }, { name: 'GitHub', icon: 'fa6-brands:github', url: '', }, ], } export const licenseConfig: LicenseConfig = { enable: true, name: 'CC BY-NC-SA 4.0', url: '', }